The Adventures of Mini Meltdown

Welcome to my blog

Join newborn, Mini Meltdown, and me, his Mum, on a romp through the first weeks and months of being alive and being a Mum.

About me

I’m a first time Mum to Mini Meltdown, with lots of time on my hands (although without actually having enough hands…) so I thought I’d try writing down what we’ve been up to along with my thoughts and feelings during this intense period, both as a record and a bit of therapy.

The Mini Meltdown blog

Life with a newborn, part 1

After Mini Meltdown’s birth, we spent two days in the hospital getting to grips with the fact we now had a tiny new member of the family. Thankfully Mr Meltdown was able to stay with us (hurrah for fold up beds!) as we did battle with breastfeeding a very sleepy baby, nappy changing, tricky sleepsuit…

Meeting mummy and daddy

Unfortunately I have a very hazy memory of Mini Meltdown’s birth as I was rather (make that extremely) woozy on pain relief but I do remember looking down and thinking that they were pulling rather hard on his little head in an effort to deliver him (he had a ventouse delivery). They the took him…

Welcome to the world…

I had a feeling that Mini Meltdown would arrive early. The pregnancy had been anything but straightforward so I imagined giving birth would involve the unexpected. And it did. When I was 36 weeks pregnant, Mr Meltdown was due to give a talk to a local history group. In the week running up to the…

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